In the summer month from 2000 and 2003 the containers started from Rosa Luxemburg Platz and moved to different district inn Berlin, preferably to the rough and unspoilt areas. Art-hostile infantile scenery magic!
First delivery of the RRS: Night terrors and reconnaissance.
Anti-artistic infantile scenery magic! Presentation of large contents in small form! No entertainment! The last market criers of the Enlightenment brought the true stories of the Narva combine and the world cartels of the electrical industry as bloody petty bourgeois theater to the Expo in Hannover.
Second delivery: Out of the Mitte theme park – into the pampas!
Sent a train of illusionists, polemics, puppeteers and the “Friends of Geography” to Marzahn and Lichtenberg, to the Märkisches Viertel and to Neukölln.
Third delivery: Take a sleeper with you!
The RRS is working on the statistical and emotional expansion of its methods of observation and the psycho-geographic recording of an urban district. the research area is located in a border area and is bordered by the S-Bahn (north), Buschkrugallee (east), Teltow-Kanal (south), Britzerdamm (west). For two decades, citizen protests against the construction of the freeway have protected this area against shield driving and investment. Four containers and the western salon of “Woman Under Influence” stand on a remaining area in the Rungiusstrasse next to the freeway ventilation building. For a week, observers, chroniclers, and actors will research and collect materials on site, reinventing, intensifying, condensing, and embellishing everyday urban practices.
With: Anbau Neue Mitte, Lenore Blievernicht, Kerstin Budde, Stefanie Bürkle, Inga Busch, Mascha Deneke, Alexandra Engel, David Gieselmann, Eike Grögel, Anett Gröschner, Christine Groß, Patricia Hecht, Fabian Hinrichs, Philipp Hochmair, Hannah Hurtzig, Andrea Koschwitz, Heinz-Joachim Krähan, Nina Kronjäger, Roland Kukulies, Jürgen Kuttner, Bettina Masuch, Frank Meißner, Astrid Meyerfeldt, Susanne Münzner, Bert Neumann, Boris Nikitin, Caroline Peters, Jelka Plate, Rene Pollesch, PuppetMastaz, Sophie Rois, Philipp Schmidt, Caroline Schrape, Bernhard Schütz, Stefan Seithe, Michael Siefert, Jan Speckenbach, Andreas Speichert, Claudia Splitt, Tamagochi2K, Weisse Umwelt, Dorothee Wenner, Jörg Wilkendorf, Eric Wyss and others.
Production: Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz