Does property belong to man the way language, tools, religion do? Does property exist in nature or is it a man-made concept? Historical eras and different cultures have given very different answers. What is unique about property? What is it even possible to own on earth? We define resources as money, food, raw materials, or psychological powers that help us to overcome crises. Few people can cut themselves a big slice of the resource cake. Many suffer from want and poverty. Who owns what? And why? Article 14 of German law protects property, but makes the direct reference: “Property obliges. At the same time, its use should serve the public good.” Whether it’s about access to education, housing, the Internet, whether it’s patents for seeds or vaccines, whether it’s about how we treat animals or our sense of ownership in partnerships—we reify, acquire, grasp, and own. But between mine and yours could also exist the question: what remains? And what is left for us?
Worldly Goods: Property, manmade poverty, and a world we share (Licence No. 8/2021)
- Hannover
- Market
What are our essential common goods? Talks in Audio Archiv:36
Curator: Volker Bürger
Assistant: Kuration Franzisca Tinnefeld
Production Manager: Swantje Möller
Assistant Production Manager: Sophie Casna
Set: Vanessa Sgarra
Check-In Hostesses: Maraia Jakimov, Franzisca Tinnefeld, Sarah Waldner
Check-In Manager: Sören Traulsen
Arena Hostesses: Lena Roosmann Leon Koblitz, Gioia Laliscia
Arena Manager: Lukas Günther
Announcer: Mohamed Achour
Info & Complaints: Ruth Legagneux
Expert Check-In: Hannah Aders, Pauline Metz
Reception: Simon Latzer, Swantje Söhn
Runner: Lina Törpe
Video Documentation: Tobias Haupt
Photographer: Kerstin Schomburg
Translation: Romy Fursland
Licenser: Mobile Akademie Berlin
Licensee: Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover in cooperation with Stiftung Niedersachsen
Artistic Director: Sonja Anders
Project Support (Stiftung Niedersachsen): Dr. Gesa Schönermark