The Actress
“I’ve played 15 corpses to date. Most of them in American series when I was living in LA. Only three in Germany. Four dead bodies with the act of dying, while in the others I’d already died beforehand. Although one is supposed to present a thing, the dead body, I always try to look as attractive as possible. Although an object or a mummy, at least than a beautiful corpse. The problem in doing so is the pose, if you can stick it out, taking attractive reclining poses is strenuous and they never tell you how long you have to be dead for beforehand. At least not exactly. Andit makes a great difference if you have to lie still for 30 seconds or 2 minutes. Naturally you can’t pick out what you want, but I always try to convince the director that the female corpse should be gorgeous, and after that there is this moment of shock–that all beauty only veils the skeleton, masks the rigidity. After all, that’s what you’re actually acting when you portray a corpse: the presence of death in life.”
Meditation on Death
“Imagine how your breath becomes weaker. Imagine your heart stopping. Imagine your ears getting worse. Your ears become numb. The world is muffled. You can no longer hear. You can no longer recognise people. The tactile sensation leaves your body. You no longer feel anything. Imagine your mouth drying out. Your tongue becomes thick. You can’t taste anything and you can’t move. You can no longer move your tongue. Imagine that your blood stops circulating and your organs stop working. Imagine that you finally close your eyes and all light disappears. Imagine someone closing your eyelids over your eyes. Around you, you can no longer recognize anything”.