Topic of the Warsaw Blackmarket is the invisible, unknown and ghostly knowledge. On this evening a hundred storytellers will initiate a ghost library, carried live, a living lexicon of the ghostly. Ghosts are essences or ideas, not living, not dead, not yet born or incapable of dying, neither present nor absent–they have the ability to put reality into the balance and to rob it, at least for the moment of their appearance, of its matter and provability. Ghosts do actually disappear in the light, but only to return in another place. In this way, the Enlightenment did indeed replace belief systems with systems of knowledge, but only by creating its own ghosts.
Invisible knowledge refers to economic, political, and social structures that cannot be recognized because we are blind to them; it means ideas and things that cannot be spoken, whether due to censorship or banning, or because they have not yet become linguistically comprehensible; it is the suppressed, forgotten contents of the past or the fantastic and also possible visions of the future.